Ubuntu for Linux is a far more productive and effective and customizable operation system. It has been frequently asked by new Linux Ubuntu users what things to do soon after installing Ubuntu. So, i took this into consideration. Here's the answer for the 10 things to do after installing a new Ubuntu.You can read to know the 10 things to do after installing Ubuntu for Linux.
1. Install Simple Backup Suite for Ubuntu
This is
the first thing to do after installing Ubuntu
to avoiding losing data in Linux. That is to install Simple Backup
Suite. It's a great desktop backup solution to avoid important data. You
can select which directories to back up, and then transfer the backups
to your external network storage.
The command is: sudo apt-get install sbackup
2. Expand the Software Repository List
Load Synaptic, go to System -> Administration -> Synaptic
Package Manager. Click in the menu Settings -> Repositories. In
Ubuntu Software mark these repositories that will be accessed from the
On terminal type: sudo apt-get update, and then sudo apt-get upgrade
3. Install VLC Media Player in Ubuntu
If you prefer not to try to use different applications to play
different media formats. VLC media player plays almost all the media
types. It's a amazing application to play everything from an MP3 file to
a DVD video.
The commond is: sudo aptitude install vlc and mplayer
4. Install Packing Software for Ubuntu
It's bad when you don't have Internet on your computer/notebook. What
to do if you have to pack or unpack something but the file format can't
be recognized by the system. To prevent from this situation, you can
install a bunch of packing software.
On terminal type: sudo apt-get install unace rar unrar zip unzip p7zip-full p7zip-rar sharutils aish uudeview mpack lha arj cabextract file-roller
5. Get more Graphics with Compiz in Ubuntu
By default, Ubuntu only lets you choose from None, Normal or Extra
Compiz graphics configuration. Now you can install more advanced
graphics settings for compiz to make it more configurable.
On terminal type: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager gnome-art usplash startupmanager
6. Install Java for Ubuntu
Java is a very important program to install. Many programs like
Azureus need it to run.
On terminal type: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-fonts sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin; sudo apt-get install equivs ttf-sazanami-gothic ttf-sazanami-mincho
7. Install More Fonts for Ubuntu
Actually, there are a bunch of fonts you can install on your system.
Please note that you don't need to install all of them.
On terminal type:
sudo apt-get install ttf-larabie-straight ttf-larabie-deco mplayer-fonts
8. Install BitTorrent Client
Deluge: Written in python, great one: sudo apt-get install
Azureus: Use Java to run, very complete but a bit heavy, type: sudo
apt-get install azureus
On terminal type: sudo apt-get install azureus
9. Install Gparted - Make Disk Partition Easy
When you need to change your disk partition, you'd better install
Gparted to get ready, which is a great GUI software where you can easily
create, resize and format partitions on your hard disk.
On terminal type: sudo apt-get install gparted
10. Get Rid of Unnecessary Stuff for Ubuntu
If you want to keep your Ubuntu clean, you need to uninstall some
software that comes with. Please check if to remove them or not.
On terminal type: sudo apt-get remove "program name"